Linda Robertson Expected To Advise Federal Reserve on "Communications Strategy"

This lobbyist goes by the name of Linda Robertson.
According to the article, Robertson headed the Washington lobbying office of Enron before the company collapsed in 2002. Robertson reportedly lobbied on energy and tax issues.
Robertson, in her new role with the Fed, would "help the Fed manage relations with lawmakers seeking greater oversight" of the Federal Reserve.
In other words, Robertson would look to fend off the attacks of politicians who are out for blood.
Robertson is "likely to start at the Fed in July", and will officially be the senior adviser to the Board of Governors.
Some politicians (and many citizens) have been calling for transparency at the Federal Reserve.
Robertson presumably would be looking to maintain the status quo. I mean, why else would the Fed hire a lobbyist, other than to maintain the status quo?
According to the article, Robertson would be advising the Fed on "communications strategy".
The two obvious questions that pop into my mind are:
1. Does the Federal Reserve really need to hire a lobbyist in the first place?
2. Why hire someone with ties with Enron? The media (and many politicians) are going to jump all over this.
I'm sure that Robertson is really good at what she does, but come on now..
Source: - Fed Intends to Hire Lobbyist in Campaign to Buttress Its Image
Filed under: General Knowledge