When It Comes to Business, "Do It Fucking Now"

I was scanning my favorite blogs the other day and I read an article called "Do It Fucking Now." It was a great article, and completely encompasses everything that I believe about starting a business online.

When it comes to running a business, there are two types of people. Those who just do it, and those who spend their time finding reasons why they shouldn't do it.

If someone asks me what they should do to start a blog, I'll tell them, pick a topic to write about TONIGHT (you know exactly what you want to write your blog about, don't give me that), and register your domain name and web site hosting TOMORROW. Start writing posts IMMEDIATELY, and then get back to me on how to promote your site and make money from your blog. The people that shoot, and then aim, are the people that make money in this business. The people that aren't afraid to fail and fine-tune and make their sites better over the long-run.

The people I can't stand? They'll say things like "Well, I want to come up with a three month timeline on how I am going to make this site work" or "I want to write at least 30 articles before I put the site online." BULLSHIT! You are never going to get the site online, and you and I both know it. I look at some of the posts that I made way back when on other blogs that I run, and I can't believe how bad they were. But you know what? I wrote them and put them up there, and they started gathering traffic right away. I made it happen instead of standing around, finding reasons why I shouldn't make it happen.

And the funny thing is that, from past experience, the people who "couldn't find the time" to put up their websites are always the ones that disparage me when they find out that I am making crazy bank from websites. "Oh he's lucky", "must be nice to have that kind of time." I just laugh all the way to the bank. If you don't want any of this low-hanging fruit, that's fine. More for me.


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