Six of Seven States with Zero State Income Tax Posted Double-Digit Population Growth Rates From 2000 to 2010

As of April 1st, 2010, the United States had a total resident population of 308,745,538. This represented a 9.7% increase over the 2000 US resident population of 281,421,906. This was the slowest rate of growth posted since April 1st, 1940 (7.3%). In short, the population of the United States is growing slower than what most people had anticipated.
It's interesting to note that the rate of growth in states with no state income tax was much higher than the rest of the country. In short, states with no state income tax saw an influx of new residents from 2000 to 2010. Let's take a look at the numbers:
Population Growth of United States from 2000-2010 - 9.7%
Population Growth of Seven States with No State Income Tax:
Alaska, +13.3%
Florida, +17.6%
Nevada, +35.1%
South Dakota, +7.9%
Texas, +20.6%
Washington, +14.1%
Wyoming, +14.1%
The average population growth rate of the seven states with no state income tax was 17.53% from 2000 to 2010, nearly double the growth rate of the entire country.
Thanks to apportionment (the process of dividing the 435 seats in the House of Representatives among the 50 states based on the population figures collected during the decennial census), Texas (+4), Florida (+2), Nevada (+1) and Washington (+1) all gained seats in the House of Representatives, at the expense of states such as Ohio and New York.
The trend over the last 10 years has been clear - people have been piling into states with no state income tax.
Source: - 2010 Census Data
Filed under: General Knowledge