CNN/ORC Poll Gives Paul Ryan Slight Edge After Debate

As expected, Vice President Biden and Paul Ryan went at each other in a feisty and spirited debate. Biden and Ryan sparred over many issues including the deficit, taxes and Iran.
In the first Presidential debate, many people seized on Mitt Romney's comments regarding PBS and "Big Bird", which can be heard below:
Believe it or not, the fate of "Big Bird" became the hot topic of debate in the days following the first Presidential debate. Both Romney and Obama referenced the fictional Sesame Street character in campaign stops shortly after the debate took place, with President Obama saying that Mitt Romney will ignore Wall Street but "crack down on Sesame Street".
Many people were wondering what the Vice Presidential debate would produce in terms of memorable moments. Would Joe Biden make another one of his famous gaffes? Would Paul Ryan make a mistake during the biggest political moment of his life?
In the end, people in the media and on social media seemed to seize on Joe Biden's smiling, laughing and cutting off of Paul Ryan during the debate. While Paul Ryan was speaking, Vice President Biden would often start laughing and proceed to cut the Republican VP nominee off. According to RNC Chair Reince Priebus, Joe Biden interrupted Paul Ryan "82 times" during the debate.
The RNC seized on Biden's actions during the VP debate, releasing this video roughly an hour after the debate came to an end:
Was VP Biden being disrespectful during the debate, or are the Republicans making a big deal out of nothing?
In the end, there seems to have been no clear winner tonight, which makes the second Presidential debate next week even more important.
Filed under: General Knowledge