Tesla IPO Prices At $17/Share

It's been a while since the markets have had an initial public offering (IPO) to get excited about, but Tesla Motors certainly qualifies.

Tesla Motors, in case you aren't aware, is a designer and manufacturer of electric vehicles. There are a number of companies with electric vehicle prototypes, but Tesla Motors is actually in production and is actively making "highway-capable" electric vehicles.

Tesla Motors (which will trade as TSLA on the NASDAQ) priced at $17 per share earlier tonight. The size (13.3 million shares) and price ($17/share) were both increased due to demand for the offering. The original terms were 11.1 million shares at an offering price of between $14-$16/share.

-- Tesla Motors - Company logo --You can follow "Tesla Mania" on our site on Tuesday, by either:

1. Visiting our TSLA Twitter Page

2. Visiting our TSLA Quote Page

Tuesday will be all about Tesla Motors - it should be interesting to see how the stock does, both short-term and long-term.