80% of Americans Believe That They Will Be Paying More for Groceries in 2012

A coin inside a grocery basket - Inflation - IllustrationThe wallets and purses of the average American household are being attacked by a two-headed monster right now - higher grocery prices and higher energy prices.

According to a recent poll from Rasmussen Reports (link below), 91% of American adults said that they are spending more on groceries now compared to this time last year.

Only 5% of those surveyed said that they are NOT paying more for groceries.

According to Rasmussen Reports, most Americans don't feel like their grocery bills will be shrinking anytime soon, as 80% said that they believe that they will be spending even MORE on groceries by this time next year. 13% of those surveyed said that they were expecting to be paying the same amount for groceries in a year's time, while just 3% expect to be paying less.


Combine higher grocery prices with higher energy prices (a gallon of regular gasoline in the United States will cost you an average of $3.965 right now), and the average American family is finding that their paychecks are not stretching through the month like they used to.

The average American has been woken up to the "joys" of inflation - according to Rasmussen Reports, 53% of Americans are "very concerned" about inflation, while 84% are "somewhat concerned".

Source: RasmussenReports.com - Americans Spending More on Groceries Than Ever Before

Filed under: The Economic Meltdown

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