Gallup Poll Reveals That President Obama Has Built Five Point Edge Over Mitt Romney

According to the poll, 49% of registered voters currently support President Barack Obama, while 44% of voters favor Republican nominee Mitt Romney. This is the largest lead that President Obama has enjoyed since the end of June, when gave him a 48%-43% edge over Romney.
This poll comes on the heels of the Democratic National Convention, which wrapped up late last week. There were some notable speeches from the likes of Michelle Obama, Joe Biden and President Obama, but people were really talking about the speech given by former President Bill Clinton. Many people feel as though President Obama's boost in the polls over the past week is largely due to Clinton's well-received speech.
There is usually a "convention bounce" for both parties after their conventions wrap up. Unfortunately for Mitt Romney and the Republicans, their approval rating didn't budge following their convention. According to Gallup, President Obama held a small 47%-46% advantage over Romney before the start of the Republican National convention. These approval ratings didn't move at all until the Democratic National Convention got underway, which is when President Obama started building his five point lead.
The polls are expected to remain relatively unchanged until the first Presidential debate takes place on October 3rd, 2012. The debate, which will be moderated by Jim Lehrer, will be focused on domestic policy.
President Obama obviously has the edge right now, so Mitt Romney will need to turn in some very strong performances in the upcoming debates to help turn the tide in his favor.
According to online prediction site (where people bet real money on the outcome of certain events), President Barack Obama currently has a 57.8% chance of winning his re-election bid.
Mitt Romney, on the other hand, is currently listed at 41.8%.
Source: - Election 2012 Trial Heat: Obama vs Romney
Filed under: General Knowledge