GDP Growth Revised From 0.1% to 0.4%

According to the BEA, real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 0.4% in the fourth quarter of 2012. This is up from the BEA's second estimate of 0.1% growth for the quarter.
The 0.4% GDP growth in the fourth quarter of last year was the slowest quarter of growth that the United States has posted since the first quarter of 2011 (+0.1%).
Some of the more interesting numbers from today's report:
-real personal consumption expenditures increased 1.8% in Q4, up from 1.6% in Q3
-real nonresidential fixed investment increased 13.2% in the fourth quarter, up from a decrease of 1.8% in the third quarter
-real GDP increased 2.2% in 2012, up from a 1.8% increase in 2011
Here is the Q4/2012 estimate history:
First Estimate, -0.1%
Second Estimate, 0.1%
Third Estimate, 0.4%
Finally, the quarterly growth numbers for 2012:
Q1/2012, 2.00%
Q2/2012, 1.30%
Q3/2012, 3.10%
Q4/2012, 0.40%
Source: Historical GDP Numbers
Filed under: General Knowledge