39% of Americans "Strongly Disapprove" of Job That Obama is Doing as President

To start - President Obama's approval rating currently sits at 38%, which is the lowest level that he has been at over the course of his nearly six years in office. President Obama's approval rating also hit 38% in August of 2011 before rebounding sharply prior to his successful re-election.
A full 55% of those surveyed by Gallup say that they disapprove of the job that Barack Obama is doing as President of the United States. Even more troubling for the President - 39% "strongly disapprove" of the job that he is doing as leader of the free world, which is substantially higher than in January of 2011 (34%), May of 2010 (34%) and July of 2009 (30%). Sure, President Obama's approval rating has hit 38% before but there has never been this level of intense anti-Obama sentiment throughout the country.
Even the number of ardent President Obama supporters has thinned dramatically over the years. Just 17% of Americans "strongly approve" of the job that Obama is doing as President - this is down a full 9 points from January of 2011 and 15 points from July of 2009.
Unsurprisingly, the number of Republicans who strongly disapprove of the President has increased dramatically as well. According to Gallup, 75% of Republicans strongly disapprove of Obama's Presidency, which is up from 62% in January of 2011.
Even Democrats are starting to leave the "strong approval" camp in droves. 38% of Democrats say that they "strongly approve" of President Obama, down dramatically from 57% in January of 2011. 11% of Democrats moderately disapprove of the job that President Obama is doing, while an additional 9% strongly disapprove.
Independents have largely turned on President Obama as well, as 39% strongly disapprove of the job that Obama is doing, while an additional 15% say that they moderately disapprove.
With a seemingly ever-increasing number of problems and scandals to contend with, it's probably a safe bet that President Obama's approval rating will not meaningfully rebound before he leaves the White House.
Source: Gallup.com - Obama's "Strong Disapproval" Double His "Strong Approval"
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