Bernie Sanders Faces Immense Challenge In Going Up Against Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders, born September 8th, 1941 in Brooklyn, New York, served as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont from 1981 to 1989. Shortly after that, Sanders was elected to the US House of Representatives where he served from January 3rd, 1991 to January 3rd, 2007. Sanders left the House of Representatives after being elected as a US Senator, which is where he remains to this day. Sanders also serves on the Senate Budget Committee.
"People should not underestimate me".
Sanders, who has a devoted following, has long railed against income equality and the influence of billionaires on the US political landscape. To try and counteract the enormous amount of money that Hillary Clinton will be raising, Bernie Sanders is looking to rely on a grassroots campaign that will rely heavily on social media.
Supporters of Bernie Sanders point out that President Barack Obama was able to secure the Democratic nomination in 2008, despite the fact that Hillary Clinton was assumed to be a slam-dunk to win. The difference, however, is that the country was in a very different spot at that time thanks to extreme nervousness over a crumbling global economy. The general consensus now is that there is virtually nothing that could trip up Hillary Clinton, given the current state of the world.
According to recent polls from Fox News, CNN and ABC News, Hillary Clinton has the support of over 60% of respondents when it comes to picking the Democratic nominee. Elizabeth Warren is second place in the polls with support of roughly 12%, while current Vice President Joe Biden has the support of roughly 10% of all respondents.
Filed under: General Knowledge