Definition of Campaign

What is the definition of the term "campaign"? What is meant by the word "campaign"?

A campaign is a concerted and coordinated effort to win some sort of office, political or otherwise.

For instance, Joe Smith wants to run for mayor of the small town that he lives in, and he decides to launch a "campaign" to become mayor. This could include posting signs around town, going door-to-door to talk to constituents and placing ads in the local newspaper.

Definition of Campaign - Financial Dictionary - ElectionsBarack Obama has also launched his campaign to win the US Presidential election. Obama's campaign is considerably more complex than Joe Smith's campaign, as you can probably imagine. The Obama campaign will have hundreds of employees and tens of thousands of volunteers. Obama's campaign will involve the placing of advertisements, making appearances across the country and raising money - this is all part of the campaigning process.

When somebody drops out of a race, they are said to have "suspended their campaign". This is just a nice way of saying that they have dropped out of the race.

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