Definition of Nimbyism
What does the term "NIMBYism" mean? What is the definition of the term "NIMBYism"?
First off, let's talk about the NIMBY acronym and what it means.
NIMBY stands for:
A NIMBY is somebody who actively campaigns against anything new getting built in their neighborhood, usually citing the desire to keep things "quiet".
For instance - a NIMBY might hear that a new apartment complex is being planned for their neighborhood. The NIMBY might petition their city council to vote against the development, as it would increase the number of people in their neighborhood and increase the amount of traffic and noise.
Or, a NIMBY might hear that a daycare in the neighborhood is planning on increasing their capacity from 5 to 20 children, and they complain to City Hall, arguing that it will increase traffic in the neighborhood.
In these cases, the NIMBY would say that there is nothing wrong with building a new apartment building or increasing the size of a local day care, as long as it doesn't take place in their neighborhood.
The NIMBY is seen as a major reason behind housing shortages and higher housing prices. The NIMBY doesn't care about others having a better quality of life - they only want to preserve their home prices and quiet neighborhoods.
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