Gordon Gekko to Return in Wall Street Sequel

The sequel is apparently going to be called "Money Never Sleeps". The screenplay is going to be written by Allan Loeb. Loeb is apparently a licensed stockbroker and used to work at the Chicago Board of Trade, so the script should definitely sound authentic. Michael Douglas, who played the "Gordon Gekko" character in the original "Wall Street" movie, is reportedly interested in the role but will wait to read the script to make a final decision. Charlie Sheen and Oliver Stone were both involved in the original picture, but neither will participate in the sequel.
The original film was released just months after the stock market crash of 1987 and went on to gross over $40 million dollars at the box office. The film was powered by strong word of mouth and box office receipts grew week-over-week after the movie was initially released. Michael Douglas won a Golden Globe and Academy Award for his portrayal of Gordon Gekko.
The premise of the sequel is reportedly being kept under wraps. Hedge funds and short-sellers are the perceived "evil-doers" of this generation, so it would make sense to me that Gordon Gekko might be the manager of a major hedge fund in this movie. I just hope that the minds behind the sequel make Gekko just as evil as he was in the first movie, as his character stole the show.
What do you think about this news? Would you go and watch a Wall Street sequel? The original movie is an absolute classic (with unlimited replay value), so I can only hope for more of the same in the sequel.
Filed under: General Market News