The Proper Way to Write Online Content

To ensure that these loyal "customers" continue to read your blog on a daily basis, you need to ensure that you are taking the right approach to the content that you post on your site.
Why are return users important? They will significantly add to the traffic on your blog, which will significantly increase your revenues. These users will link to your blog from their websites, they will click your ads, and they will tell their friends about your site. Return users are by far your biggest asset as the owner of a blog.
So what is the "proper" way to write content for your blog? There are multiple ways to go about it; here are my tips for you:
1. Write an article per day. I don't care if you are sick, busy or otherwise. Make it a point to write at least one article per day for your site. Why is this important? Your users will check your blog daily. Give them something to read on a daily basis. Make visiting your site part of their daily routine. Plus, you want Googlebot visiting your site on a daily basis. Trust me, it's good for business. Google rewards sites that update content on a daily basis. They want fresh content. The fresher the better.
2. Don't write more than an article per day. You need to give your readers a taste, but not stuff them. Plus, you won't burn out. I know that the temptation to write five articles per day might be high, but don't do it. Stick to one per day.
3. Don't regurgitate, write unique content. Add value. Some people will just rewrite articles that they find online. Don't do that, your blog will fail. Write opinionated, well-researched articles and you will have people flocking to your site.
4. Run your articles through a spell-checker before uploading them. Nothing turns me off of a site faster than spelling mistakes.
5. Personalize your articles. Let your voice shine through. Don't write like a robot. Write like you are having a personal conversation with the person that is reading your blog. You aren't writing a textbook. Don't forget that.
6. Lastly, try to become an authority in your industry. How do you do that? Try to break news. Try to post interviews with relevant people in your industry. Try to find out what people are searching for, and write about it.
You do these six things and in a year, you will truly have a blog that you are proud of.
Filed under: Making Money Online | General Knowledge