Guest Blogging - A Great Way to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

drive traffic to your site by doing guest blogsOne of the best ways to get your blog noticed in its early days is to volunteer your services to write a guest blog on a blog that receives a fair amount of traffic.

Meaning, if you were new to the online world but had a career in investment banking previous, you could offer to write unique articles for blogs in the stock market space.

Why would you want to do this?

Number one, you are going to be including a link to your web site at the bottom of the article that you write. So, if people on this heavily trafficked blog like your article, then there is no doubt that they will click through to your own personal blog to see what kind of gems you have written on your own site.

Number two, it builds goodwill with the busier sites. If you write an article for such a blog, they will see fit to make it worth your while down the road, I guarantee you. They will link to one of your postings in the future most of the time, just to reciprocate.

Number three, it builds your profile. If people see your name on some of the busiest sites in the space, they will soon begin to see you as an authority figure.

Number four, there are obvious search engine benefits. By having these busier sites linking to your site, you are gaining valuable traction in the search engines. Keep doing this and your site will be one of the busier sites in the space in a year.

When approaching these sites, keep your proposal short and to the point. Outline the article to them, and ask them if they would like to post it on their site. Keep the email short, don't ramble on.

If they say no, then move on to the next site. You would be surprised how many times they will say yes. Just make sure that the article is unique and hasn't already been posted online.

Filed under: Making Money Online | General Knowledge

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