Making Money with a Blog: The Challenge

Nothing gets me more fired up than a good challenge. When I truly set myself to something, I completely absorb myself in it and go full throttle until I accomplish my goal.

After reading blogs such as ShoeMoney, John Chow and Steve Pavlina, I've decided that it's time to throw my hat into the ring. All three of these sites make in excess of $10k per month (I believe that Steve Pavlina makes over $40k a month from his blog now). They all built their blogs the same way; through useful and unique content. Since I have been making money online since November of 1998, I figured that I would set myself a goal of taking my own personal blog from zero to hero. I've run a newsletter, I've done PPC marketing, but I've never built up a personal blog from scratch and made a lot of money doing it. So this is my goal now.

I am literally going to take this blog from scratch and build it from the ground up. Barely any content, hardly any readers (maybe 4-5 per day.) My goal is for this blog to earn over $5000 US in a month within a year.

I will be tapping various revenue sources to make this happen .. Adsense, affiliate sales, the rare ReviewMe review. To me, the money isn't the issue; it's actually building the blog up from nothing to something. It's doing something when I say that I am going to do it.

When people who are outside of the Internet marketing ask me how I make money on the Internet, I want to be able to point them to this post and say "Here you go. Start reading from this post onwards. This is how you make money on the Internet."

How am I going to do this? The same way that I attack other sites; through useful and unique content. I've been a writer all of my life and I can type like the wind, so I don't think that content will be a problem. I am going to talk about the three major ways that I make money on the Internet; through blogging, stock trading and affiliate marketing. You have to stick to your strengths, and these are my strengths.

At the beginning of August, I will update everyone as to how much this blog generated in July, and the breakdown of where the revenues came from. I am hoping that by July of 2008 I have had a $5k US month, but in my heart, I am expecting to crack this much earlier.

So grab a chair, add me to your RSS reader, and let's do this. $5k in a month, here we come. If I can do it, so can you.

Filed under: Making Money Online

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