How to Effectively Use Google's Content Network to Your Advantage

First off, Google allows you to set content network bids that are different than the search network bids. For obvious reasons, your content network bids should be substantially lower than your search network bids. There is no doubt, from my experience, that search network clicks convert better, however you can generate much more volume with the content network. In the end, it's all about your return on investment. If you are making money, who really cares where your clicks are coming from.
Just like with any other PPC campaign, set aside a certain amount of money to test your PPC content network campaign. Set the bids low. Start monitoring your ROI and surfer tendencies.
After a day, you will be able to request a Placement Report from Google. This will show you which content sites generated your clicks, and allow you to start screening out sites in order to improve your ROI. Using Google's conversion code, you will start to see which sites are sending you leads, and which sites are sending you garbage traffic. You can block sites from showing your ads, and improve your ROI.
After a while, you will have your ads showing on the sites that generate you a positive ROI, and you can just let your campaign run.
Positive ROI's are definitely possible with the content network on Google Adwords. There is a lot of money to be made there.
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